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The α-radiation is:

A radioactive nuclide emits a β-particle. The atomic number (proton number) of the nucleus:

A radioactive element emits a particle from the nucleus of one of its atoms. The particle comprises two protons and two neutrons. The name of this process is called:

A radioactive decay can be represented as shown. The emitted particle is a/an:
₉₁Pa²³³ → ₉₂U²³³ + _____

The type of radiation that travels in a straight line across an electric field is a/an:

The main source of energy in the stars is:

The splitting of a heavy nucleus into smaller nuclei is called:

A process in which two light nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus is called:

Compared with α-particles and β-particles, gamma-rays:

The severe health hazards caused by radioactive emissions is/are:

The safest way to dispose of a large quantity of radioactive waste is: